Women to Women Network began as an informal monthly gathering for women in business to come together over coffee for conversation, meaningful connections, and inspiration for handling the challenges we each face in our businesses, careers, and in our personal lives. Since our inception, it has evolved into a community of like-minded women wanting to make meaningful connections within their communities.

Founded in 2018, this diverse group of women has continued to grow with members representing all stages of life - from young entrepreneurs and start-ups to seasoned owners, managers, or executives, and women in their second (or third!) careers. The common bond is a desire to grow, learn from each other, build a strong network of resources, build lasting relationships, and support one another as we strive to achieve our goals.

Women to Women Network was initially created to serve women in the Portland, Oregon, Metropolitan area. As our membership has grown, so have the communities we serve. Today, the Women to Women Network serves a growing network of women in multiple cities and states with established chapters, and we are projected to continue that growth with more officially recognized Regions and Chapters throughout the United States.



To empower women at all stages of their business or career to reach their full potential, step into leadership, and make an impact in their communities.


A welcoming community of women of all types who come together for meaningful engagement and mutual benefit, who mentor each other and work together to grow their businesses or advance their careers.


To provide women opportunities to connect, collaborate, and grow; and to provide a forum for the sharing of ideas, expertise, and inspiration.



We’re all about meeting people where they are, without judgment, and offering support and understanding. Whether you are a rock star in your business, a leader in your industry, or just getting started, a little compassion never hurts and can go a long way to lifting you up.


We believe a fundamental secret to success is having integrity. This goes beyond being true to your word. It is also about being true to yourself, standing up for your beliefs, standing up for each other, and being committed to giving your best.


Together, we can achieve so much more. There is power and strength to be found in a community of individuals that is greater than any single person. We thrive on the spirit of collaboration and a shared purpose of elevating each other as we pursue our goals.


We all have something to contribute, and we can all learn from each other. No matter what stage of life or business you’re in, what industry or background you hail from, or how much formal schooling you may or may not have, your unique experience, knowledge, and perspective is welcome.


Through authentic interactions, we are free to be our genuine selves, embrace our imperfections, and allow others to do the same. When we are authentic and real with ourselves and those around us, we can make more meaningful connections, build community, and continue to grow.